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EcoXplorer Destinations
Embark on an incredible journey to discover the hidden wonders of the worlds that are waiting to be explored! Prepare to dive deep into some of the highest marine, terrestrial and wildlife biodiversity locations that hold a treasure trove of magnificent flora and fauna. Get ready to immerse yourself in the verdant tropical rainforests where thousands of avifauna species await you, a true paradise adorned and preserved by some of the world’s friendliest people. Experience their magical indigenous culture, and interact with them to truly understand their way of life. So why wait? Embark on this once-in-a-lifetime adventure today and explore our magical world in the best way possible!

Raja Ampat
Raja Ampat is a super sought after area of Papua, particularly for avid scuba divers and leisure-seekers.
If you are interested in expanding your ecological understanding, this area is unparalleled with 7 established Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).
Located within the nutrient rich, biodiverse intersection of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, Raja Ampat has been described as ‘a species factory for the world’.

Banda Sea
Sail through the historically vibrant hub of the ancient spice trade of Indonesia, over some of the world’s deepest seas. The Banda Sea covers the area North of Flores and South of Seram.
This archipelago is the original ‘Spice Islands’, which offer you a truly magical opportunity to explore the old town with its forts, museums as well as historic buildings, while exploring rich reefs and spectacular exotic topside scenery.

Cenderawasih Bay
Cenderawasih Bay is a the largest marine national park in Indonesia, stretching from Wondama Bay to Nabire Regency of West Papua. The entire area is unspoiled and basically uninhabited. The diving is unique and diverse, and known for its resident whale shark population.
More than any other phenomena, the experience of up close and personal encounters with the resident whale sharks is one of the most incredible underwater experiences you can have.

Mapia Islands
The Mapia Islands, locally known as Kampung Mapia, comprise three main islands: Brassi, Fanildo, and Pegun. Located in Supiori Regency, West Supiori District, Papua Province, this hidden paradise lies amidst a natural lagoon of coral reefs in the vast Pacific Ocean. Its unique geographical position and the hidden entrance through coral formations make it an untouched gem. Accessing the islands requires careful navigation, guided by locals, and depends on high tides—an exclusivity that preserves Mapia’s pristine beauty. Beyond its natural splendor, Mapia holds historical significance, having served as a Japanese military base during the Pacific War.
Reaching Mapia is a challenge, as transportation relies on sporadic PELNI ferry schedules, occurring one to three times monthly depending on weather conditions. The limited infrastructure, with no proper homestays or accommodations, calls for meticulous planning, often through experienced travel agencies. Despite these difficulties, those who venture to Mapia are rewarded with unparalleled underwater beauty. The islands are a haven for marine life, hosting magnificent creatures like adult Napoleon wrasses, hammerhead sharks, green turtles, and many others, making it a dream destination for avid divers and marine enthusiasts alike.


Triton Bay
Another area that offers fascinating scuba is Triton Bay, which features wonderful scuba experiences in uncrowded locations that are off the beaten track.Triton Bay has impressive soft coral with colorful boomie for its healthy water.
You will find sweetlips and snappers, hunting jacks and wobbegong. For macro photographers this site also offers baribanti pygmy seahorse as well as plenty of nudibranchs and shrimp.